Tuesday, 6 January 2009

I'm Back!

Please accept my apologies for not posting for ever :gray:. I haven't stopped creating scrapkits and tags, just had a long break. The problems with my neighbours became a total nightmare for 6 months, and affected the whole neighbourhood with their violence, drinking and drugging and making false accusations, until persistence by me and another neighbour forced them to face up to their crimes or do a runner. They ran!:dancing:
I'm still struggling to pay my huge vet's bill, but my lil Ash has made a complete recovery, and at last I can give my cats the freedom they had before this whole nightmare started. I am now feeling much better too, and my mojo is returning!
I did just manage to get another scrapkit out a few weeks ago, but my head was still all over the place, and forgot to post it here.
They say, 'better late than never', lol so here is the preview for 'Rainbow Blues', available from Digital Chaos for $3,50. I'm sorry I didn't manage a freebie AddOn for this one, but I promise there will be more freebies in the very near future!jump for joy
Hugs Kathy,Ash, Tizzy and Ziggy x:blowkiss:


1 comment:

  1. It's nice to have you back. I love all the colors in the new kit. Very vibrant!
